Family Tree Maker Mac Free

Family Tree Maker for Mac - by Ancestry Review by Beachlyn, Oct 6, 2017

Family Tree Maker Mac Free Family Tree Maker for Mac 2 makes it easy to create and share your family tree. With a membership to included, you'll have FREE access to 5 billion U.S. Simple to use drag and drop tools to brainstorm and analyze family ancestry. Multiple family tree templates to start quickly on genealogy research or build presentations. Advanced built-in diagramming to trace family trees and organize genealogical information. Automatic drawing with Plus Create and color themes to easily visualize complex family trees and update them.

Family Tree Maker Mac 3.1


Another rip off! I owned Family Tree Maker for Mac 2 in 2012. I bought it because I was tired of manually updating my great Reunion program from my online Ancestry Tree. I found that FT worked well syncing on fairly small trees, but my two large trees were badly damaged. The sync caused the transfer of records to duplicate each record to sometime duplicate as many as 75 extras for every document. It took me 7 months, and a lot of work to repair those trees. I figured now, almost 8 years later, they’d finally have their act together. I have tried multiple syncs (again on only 2 small trees, thank goodness) and still NO Media transfer whatsoever! After spending 20 minutes typing back and forth with a tech who I was never sure was actually there, I was told to contact them during non peak hours from 5:00 AM-11:00 AM! I subscribe to several genealogy services. I’ve never seen one that doesn’t phone number for a live body!

Family Tree Builder Mac

Biggest Pro: syncing
Biggest Con: syncing and no tech support whatsoever