Powerteacher Gradebook Download Mac

GradeTransferer collects and transmits (via modern cryptography over a secure connection) for its own use the following personally identifiable data of the user (ie: teacher) during use: – name, username, and email (used to authenticate the account) – # of grades successfully transferred (for app development & statistics) – website. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Re-Installing PowerTeacher Gradebook Page 1 Re-Installing PowerTeacher Gradebook December 15, 2017 Version 2.0 Due to the recent PowerSchool upgrade, you will need to perform a one-time re-install of PowerTeacher Gradebook. Once you have performed this task, you do not need to re-install Gradebook again. Log into PowerTeacher. PowerTeacher Pro does have some added features that PowerTeacher Gradebook doesn’t have. The new system integration requires v10.1+ in order to utilize gradepush. Updated features make it harder to accidentally get your PowerTeacher Assignments out of sync with their matching PowerSchool Learning Activities, a problem with PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Powerschool gradebook

Learn how to Install PowerTeacher Gradebook and launch it from the PowerTeacher homepage.

If you are experiencing problems with JAVA and PowerTeacher Gradebook launching, please follow some of the steps below to possibly remedy your issue.

Try another browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to make sure it happens in each one.

If you are clicking on the Small Arrow button beside “Gradebook” and nothing happens, click on the word “Gradebook”.

Just under the “Launch PowerTeacher Gradebook” button, read what is highlighted in orange. Click on the blue words (not button)click here“.

Another window will appear. Click on the “Download PowerTeacher Gradebook” button. Follow the directions on the page.

In your downloads folder, look for the Gradebook.app icon. Your icon might have the word “Gradebook” without the “.app” after it. That is fine. You can drag that to your Applications folder or your desktop.


Powerteacher Sign Up

You should be able to double-click on the Gradebook icon and enter your credentials to get into your Gradebook.

Powerteacher Gradebook Download Mac Software

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GradeBook Won't Launch - Clear Java Cache

posted Sep 29, 2008, 8:11 AM by lesplin@tech.washk12.org [ updated Oct 1, 2008, 11:52 AM]
  1. On the client workstation, exit PowerTeacher Gradebook.
  2. Navigate to Control Panel > Java. The Java Control Panel appears.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Click Settings under the Temporary Internet Files section. The Temporary Files Settings dialog appears.
  5. Click Delete Files. The Delete Temporary Files dialog appears.
  6. Select both checkboxes, and click OK.
  7. Close the Java Control Panel.
  8. Launch PowerTeacher Gradebook.


  1. On the client workstation, exit PowerTeacher Gradebook.
  2. Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Java.
  3. Open Java Web Start.app. The Java Application Cache Viewer appears.
  4. Select the User tab.
  5. In the Application column, select all PowerTeacher Gradebook listings.
  6. Click Remove Selected Application.
  7. Close the Java Application Cache Viewer.
  8. Launch PowerTeacher Gradebook.

I have verified that Java is enabled in the browser, but PowerTeacher Gradebook will still not launch.

Ensure that Java 1.4.2 or 1.5 is loaded on the machine. If Javais not present, download Java 1.5 here:http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/5.0_11/index.html
Note: Be sure to download Java 1.5 (Java 1.6 isnot yet supported).

I have verified that the machine has the latest version of Java, and that Java is enabled in the browser, but PowerTeacher Gradebook will still not launch. Why?

Upgrade to the latest version of the browser. Some olderversions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari may encounterproblems with launching PowerTeacher Gradebook. Upgrading to thelatest version of the browser will ensure correct operation. IfPowerTeacher Gradebook still does not launch, contact customersupport.

I accidentally upgraded the teacher's machine to Java 1.6 rather than Java 1.5. Is that a problem?

The teacher should not experience any issues using Java 1.6.Java 1.6 will not work on the server, but the teacher's localmachines should not have a problem. If you experience aproblem with Java 1.6, uninstall it and install Java 1.5.

When attempting to launch PowerTeacher Gradebook using the Safari browser, a generic Java Launch symbol displays, with nothing to click on. How can I fix this?

If Java 1.4.2 or higher is installed on the client machinerunning an up to date version of Safari, then this might mean youhave a problem with your Java Launch Service. Use the followingprocedure to reset launch services.

Reset Launch Services under Tiger

  1. Quit all running applications.
  2. Trash the following two files in the Macintosh HD > Library > Caches folder: com.apple.LaunchServices-0140.csstore
  3. Type your Admin password if prompted to authenticate the deletion of these files.
  4. Restart your Mac.
  5. Log in to the affected account.
  6. Empty the Trash.
  7. Attempt to re-launch gradebook.
  8. If the problem persists, trash the com.apple.LaunchServices.plist file in the Home > Library > Preferences folder of the affected account.
  9. Repeat steps 3-7.

Reset Launch Services under Panther

  1. Quit all running applications.
  2. Trash the com.apple.LaunchServices.6B.csstore file in the
  3. Macintosh HD > Library > Caches folder.
  4. Type your Admin password if prompted to authenticate the deletion of this file.
  5. Restart your Mac.
  6. Log in to the affected account.
  7. Empty the Trash.
  8. Attempt to re-launch PowerTeacher Gradebook.
  9. If the problem persists, trash the com.apple.LaunchServices.plist file in the Home > Library > Preferences folder of the affected account.
  10. Repeat steps 3-7.

Reset Launch Services under Jaguar

  1. Quit all running applications.
  2. Trash the com.apple.LaunchServices.plist file in the Home > Library > Preferences folder of the affected account.
  3. Trash the com.apple.LaunchServices.UserCache.csstore file in the Home > Library > Caches folder of the affected account.
  4. Restart your Mac.
  5. Log in to the affected account.
  6. Empty the Trash.
  7. Attempt to re-launch PowerTeacher Gradebook.